District 7

District 7:
Mike Kreamer

Website:  http://www.yourvoiceinbese7.com

I support high standards for learning. Every child can learn. Accountability for student success is essential.  Education policies should be made by educators through open and transparent processes with real public input. I will always strive to listen to my constituents as I work on these and other vital education issues:

I am for high standards for Louisiana that are developmentally appropriate for children.  The adoption of standards has been flawed and Louisiana educators must be at the forefront of standards creation and adoption. I am opposed to the Common Core State Standards.

I am for emphasizing the assessments that classroom teachers use to measure student learning. Louisiana students are over-tested. Standardized test use should be targeted and limited.

I recognize the importance of a healthy start for all children and a high quality early learning environment. I support the Louisiana Early Childhood Education Act (link) and adequate funding and oversight for early childcare and education for all Louisiana children.

I support an accountability system that holds teachers and administrators responsible for teaching students.  Our accountability system should accurately measure the quality of our schools. The current state accountability system is punitive towards students, teachers and schools through over reliance on standardized tests.

I support teacher evaluations that use observations and multiple ways to rate a teacher's professionalism and impact on student learning.  I oppose using Value Added Modeling of student test scores for teacher evaluations, a policy criticized by the American Statistical Association (link). 

Charter schools that are designed and approved by local school districts to meet specific student needs can be part of a successful portfolio of schools. I do not support the privatization of our public schools.

Public money should be used wisely for student success by focusing on the needs of students in the classroom. School funding must have effective controls and oversight.

Decision making closest to the students, parents and educators is preferable to decision making from afar. The education bureaucracy in Baton Rouge has taken too much control away from teachers, administrators, schools and locally elected schools boards.  We must do better for our children.